>Welcome to Kodergarten...
Imagine code being the intrinsic structure of everything. You can use it to design and grow bespoke digital solutions for your organisation or community’s needs.
We are a software development company. We design, code and maintain a number of innovative sector specific solutions. Our work spans public and school transport, social housing, smart location analytics, IoT sensors and data, mobile and mapping and includes expertise in Go/Vue and well architected cloud-based solutions.
We work principally with public and third sector organisations across Wales and the UK and believe that we should be doing good things with technology, things that have the ability to improve lives and that don't cost the earth.
Find out more about us, our work, team, and news.

The Art of Noise and invisible seismic murmurs
Using low cost open source sensors to interpret seismic noise in order to visualise human activity in a place in realtime. Kodergarten are planning to use this technology on their Patrwm - smart places platform in order to record, process and share data on traffic volumes and vehicle types in the areas and places that surround a large cultural festival this summer.read more

Enlli - Ebb and flow
Enlli, an island 1.9 miles off the coast of the Llŷn Peninsula in the Welsh county of Gwynedd, though remote, has cultivated new ideas throughout history and continues to do so today and in our experience having worked on connecting the islanders to Superfast Broadband, and the Internet of Things (IoT) the island is ahead of quite a lot of the mainland in terms of its use of technology.read more

Why Siop.io - A Mum’s Perspective
March 2020, lockdown hit us; I’m a full time working mum and it was a challenge, like for so many of us, to juggle extra childcare and homeschooling support of three young children alongside our normal full time working & running a household. My husband and I aren’t complaining about a thing as we count ourselves lucky that we had the ability to work from home and keep the household safe, but there’s no denying it felt like a juggling act.read more